DR. ZWART'S HEALTH GOOD. ~ Canada Letter From Coroner to Mrs. Zwart Yesterday.

August 7, 1909

Canada Letter From Coroner to
Mrs. Zwart Yesterday.

Mrs. B. H. Zwart, wife of the county coroner, has received a letter from Dr. Zwart, dated Banff, Canada. She said yesterday that Dr. Zwart was in the best of health and that his outing of two weeks in Canada had done him much good.

"From what he writes I believe Dr. Zwart will said on August 14 from Seattle to Skagway," said Mrs. Zwart. "I expect him home by September and will meet him in Denver the latter part of the month. The only Kansas Cityans he writes of seeing in Banff are Fred Heim and John W. Wagner. I do not understand how reports of his ill health could have originated."