McWilliams Ran Home and Fell in
Doorway From Heat Exhuastion.
Although it was much cooler yesterday than the day before, one case of heat prostration was reported in Kansas City, Kas. John McWilliams, a teamster employed by the Armourdale Lumber Company, while driving his team along South Tenth street yesterday afternoon, was notified that his 4-year-old son was very sick and likely to die. McWilliams tied his team and ran all the way to his home at 376 South Boeke street, a distance of nine blocks. When he reached his home he fell in the doorway unconscious. He was attended by Dr. J. A. Davis, who had been called to attend the child. Dr. Davis said he was prostrated by the heat, and that the condition was critical. The child, which was stricken with spasms, recovered before his father reached home.