John Butterly of Chicago Stricken
at Fairmount, Dies.
While swimming in the pool at Fairmount park yesterday afternon John Butterly, 22 years old, died of heart failure. Mr. Butterly lived at 83 Edgemont avenue, Chicago, Ill, and was at the park with W. F. Tobin, 2815 Michigan avenue, Kansas City. Tobin says that Butterly was an expert swimmer and an all round athlete. Dr. William Gilmore, who attended the dead man, said that his death was due to heart failure rather than drowning.
Butterly was swimming in the part of the lake where the water is twenty-two feet deep. He was seen suddenly to go under water, and even though he made no outcry it was evident he could no longer swim. Harry Leidy, the life saver at the park, plunged in after the man and within four minutes had carried him ashore. The fact that there was no water of any consequence in the man' slungs led the physician to believe death was due to heart failure.
Mr. Butterly was a clerk in a gas office in Chicago. He was unmarried. The body was taken to O'Donnell's undertaking rooms and will be sent to Chicago.