In Preparing to Comply With New
Law, Hotelkeeper Runs Into
Bunch of Trouble.
If John Moore, proprietor of the Moore hotel, insists on using the regulation nine-foot sheets as will be provided by law after August 16, he will have trouble with the maids in his employ. If he does not he will get into trouble with the state authorities. At present he does not know just where he stands.
The trouble started yesterday morning and the first round ended in favor of the maids of whom there are a score. Headed by Miss Dora McClure who was the spokeswoman, they declared that they could not use nine-foot sheets to advantage, that it was too much trouble to turn them under the mattresses and over the covers and that if the "boss" insisted on using sheets of this length, they would find situations elsewhere.
As a result of the first round, Mr. Moore told the girls to use the old sheets until he had more time to think about it.
Some time ago Mr. Moore received a notice that after August 16 sheets nine feet in length would be required by law. This law was to be strictly enforced and it was intimated that inspectors would be around at most any time to see that the law was complied with. An inspection fee was also to be charged.
About that time Mr. Moore needed new linen and he ordered sheets of the nine foot length. The shipment arrived Wednesday and yesterday morning he directed the housekeeper to tell the housemaids to use the new length linen when they made up the beds. The trouble followed.
"I don't believe the girls understand the thing thoroughly," said Mr. Moore. "I will read the law to them and then they will understand what they must do in any other hotel."