Supt. Murphy Has Refrigeration In-
stalled in Workhouse.
"I cannot get along without ice water in the summer, and it is wrong to deprive those who are so unfortunate as to be sent to the workhouse of a cooling and refreshing drink of water," said Cornelius Murphy, the new superintendent at the workhouse yesterday. During the recent hot spell he had plumbers install refrigeration in the supply pipes in the institution leading to the men's department, and yesterday a similar improvement was installed in the women's section.
Mayor Crittenden, who made a personal inspection of the workhouse yesterday, congratulated Mr. Murphy on his thoughtfulness and also complimented him upon the cleanly appearance of everything about the place. The mayor was accompanied by the city comptroller and the city plumbing inspector for the purpose of determining what it will cost to make the cells sanitary and to improve the general sanitation of the building. The inspector was directed to prepare plans immediately for necessary changes so the board of public works can advertise for bids. Comptroller Pearson promised to provide the revenues.
A change in the illumination of the building is also contemplated. Natural gas is used wholly, and the mayor thinks that besides the product being too warm for summer there is danger from fire. He has ordered the city electrician to prepare an estimate of the cost of connecting cables with the new general hospital electric light plant.