IT WAS A HYBRID PRODUCT. ~ Liepsner's Succotash Cob Was a Puzzle to Winstanley.

August 21, 1909

Liepsner's Succotash Cob Was a Puz-
zle to Winstanley.

"I've lived long enough in Missouri to have to be shown," said Ed Winstanley, purchasing agent, yesterday, when H. C. Liepsner remarked that in his garden he was growing succotash.

"On the same cob corn and lima beans are growing in alternate rows," said Liepsner.

"Show me. Bring down a sample," replied the doubting Winstanley.

Yesterday Liepsner made good. He brought to the city hall a cob showing alternately rows of corn and beans.

"That stumps me," confessed the confiding Winstanley, and he really displayed some temper when Liepsner began pulling out the beans, to show that they had been inserted by him.