Anxious Wives of Four Appeal to
Police for Assistance.
If the police do nothing else but look for missing persons the entire department would be kept busy during the next few days. Four persons were reported as missing form their homes yesterday.
George Mitchell, 2328 McGee street, left for the harvest fields June 15. His wife, who is in destitute circumstances, with two children to support, became anxious yesterday and gave the man's description to the police. She can't understand his protracted absence.
The disappearance of H. W. Rutherford, 415 West Sixth street, Kansas City, Kas., who left his home ten days ago, has worried his friends. the man is 60 years old, is gray headed and weighs 150 pounds. The police were asked to aid in the search today.
Another woman in trouble is Mrs. Julia Johnson, who is stopping at the Helping Hand. She is convinced that her husband is working at some restaurant in the North end but doesn't know where.
Mrs. W. H. Treymeyer, 3143 Summit street, is also in the same dilemma. Theymeyer is 43 years old, is six-feet two inches in height, weighs 170 pounds, has a black moustache and black hair.