One Uses Dish in Which Food Is
Served for a Hat.
The menagerie department of the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, which comes here Saturday, enjoys, in addition to its entertaining features, a wealth of fun and humor.
The monkey cage holds a fascination for many. There is a monkey, of the baboon species, that at times will take hold of a dish in which her food is served and put it on her head, as if it were a hat. Thus adorned, she provokes roars of laughter, to her evident gratification, from the crowd around her.
The elephants have a decided sense of humor, and many are the amusing capers they indulge in between exhibition hours. There are forty of these mammoth pachyderms with the Barnum & Bailey collection, two of which are said to be the rarest and most costly in the world. They have huge, umbrella shaped ears which cover nearly half of their bodies. One of them is deeply attached to "Boston," the baby elephant of the group, and is never quiet when "Boston" is out of her sight.
The zoological department of the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on earth is, it is said, the largest collection of rare animals in the world.