Minneapolic Preacher, in Sermon Be-
fore the Game, Urged Home
Team to Victory.
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 29. -- Initiation of religious preludes to Sunday baseball games occurred here today when Rev. G. L. Morrill delivered a short address before the Minneapolis-Kansas City game at Nicollet park. Fully 7,000 persons were in attendance and listened interestedly while Mr. Morrill spoke. He was introduced by Umpire King and quiet reigned throughout the park during the service.
"The West," said Mr. Morrill, "is never content to be behind the East in any progressive movement and will not take a back seat when baseball religious services are considered. For myself, I do not usually attend Sunday games because I go every other day of the week, but there is no reason why others than myself should not enjoy the sport. Live and let live is a pretty good motto and I believe that this crowd is largely made up of men who have but this one weekly chance to see the Minneapolis club fight for the pennant. I believe the only sin of Sunday ball is for the home team to lose, so I say to the Minneapolis boys, 'Go in and climb a notch toward the flag.' ''
Minneapolis won the game.