SEEIN' THINGS AT NIGHT. ~ Observers Note Regular Appearance of Light in Western Sky.

July 31, 1909

Observers Note Regular Appearance
of Light in Western Sky.

Now Kansas City has the aeroplane fever.

Leastwise, there are people in this city who have been seeing thing which have led them to believe that there is some daring aviator making nightly flights over the city. Whether it is an aeroplane of the Wright model or a monoplane built along the lines of Herbert Latham's comparatively miniature machine, or one of Zeppelin's monster gas bags with the wickerwork baskets below, the nocturnal observers have been unable to determine.

But this they do know: that each evening about 8 o'clock -- at 7:55 to be exact -- a light has appeared just over the west bluffs which grows in brilliancy as it covers a course toward the horizon and finally disappears at a point just north of the Coates house. Lat night this light made its appearance at a point between the Coates house and the Catholic cathedral on Eleventh street, and in a slowly moving arc finally disappeared somewhere in the distance north and west of the Coates house.

The brilliancy and size of the light has discredited the idea in the minds of observers that it might be a star. Also, the movement of the light, it is said, is entirely too swift for one of the heavenly bodies. ergo, it must be an aeroplane, a monoplane, an airship or a toy balloon, or---

It may be the star Venus wending its nightly course through the heavens.