TOY AIRSHIP TO TEST IDEAS. ~ Kansas City Men Building Craft Near No. 19 Fire Station.

August 23, 1909

Kansas City Men Building Craft
Near No. 19 Fire Station.

In a shed near No. 19 fire station at Shawnee avenue and High street, Kansas City's most prominent aerial craft is almost completed. It is being constructed by a fireman, Frank Marvin, after designs of his own and those of Edgar C. Faris, an architect.

Mr. Faris fell from a street car Monday and sustained a broken ankle, but expects to be ready to experiment with the air craft by the time it is completed. The present ship is the third built by the two. The former ones were not successes. The second one was demolished when it dashed to the earth in a trial flight.

The airships are merely toys by which ideas of the two inventors are being tried out. The one under construction now is much larger than either of its predecessors, being ten feet long and four feet wide. The engines used in former experiments will not be large enough to drive the new ship. Two were used, each having one-sixteenth of one-horse power. The power will probably be quadrupled. When the ship is ready to fly, an electric light wire will be attached to it to furnish power for the engines. It then will be loosed and the value of the ideas used its construction will be learned.