CLOTHES HELP HIM IN COURT. ~ Judge Discharges Man Charged With Picking Pockets.

September 13, 1909

Judge Discharges Man Charged
With Picking Pockets.

Because Joseph Roland, who was arrested on a charge of picking pockets Saturday night on a Twelfth street car, wore old clothes when he faced the judge in the municipal court yesterday morning, he was discharged. The man's story was also convincing.

"I am a paper-hanger in Salt Lake City," said the man. "When work ran out in that town I sent my wife and child to her father's home in Houston, Tex., and started to beat my way East.

"When they accused me of taking that pocket-book Saturday night I ran because I didn't think I would have any chance in the court where I was a stranger."

"Pickpockets generally wear good clothes," said the judge, "and I'm going to let you go."