Preliminaries At Convention
Hall Last Night.
A card of seven events at Convetion hall last night inaugurated a week of bicycle and motor cycle racing in Kansas City, which is to include a six-day race, starting at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Prominent riders from all parts of the United States and a few from foreign countries are in the race, which promises to be one of the best ever run here.
Last night's preliminaries to the big show were witnessed by more than 2,000 people and some excellent sport was furnished. But one spill marred the programme, that in which the five-mile open amateur race when four riders collided and piled up after five laps had been run. None of the riders was injured and the remainder in the race continued without interruption.
Kansas City boys did not show to advantage except in the amateur event, which was won by Carl Shutte, the well known local rider. Jimmy Hunter, who was "doped" to do things in the professional class, was outclassed in every event in which he was entered and could not do better than third in any.
The track constructed for the races and the one on which the events last night were held is in excellent condition for the fast going and it is expected that some records will be broken in the long grind.