Many Improvements Will Be Made
Before Next Season.
Yesterday was the closing day at Forest park. Last night ended a most prosperous season; in fact, the most successful that the park has ever had. The largest day of the season was May 15, when over 26,000 people passed through the gates.
The park will open early in April next year and immediately a number of changes and improvements will be made. Carpenters will start in next week to tear down old buildings and in their place erect new and up-to-date buildings. There will be a new theater erected in the southwest corner of the park. The swimming pool will be improved. A number of new riding devices will be installed and plans are being prepared for the erection of a stadium where sporting and athletic events will be held.
"The success of the park this year was due to the reduction in price of all the salable things and rides," said Manager O'Donnell yesterday. "The 5-cent limit, as it was called, proved the drawing magnet. The same price will prevail next year and the public will not know the place when it opens again."