Surprised to Hear Home Town Men-
tioned in a Dinner Order But
Found Meat Actually Came
From Here.
Seated in a historic eating house in London three weeks ago, Henry Garland of this city heard a man specifically direct his waiter to bring him "a Kansas City steak." Mr. Garland had written out an order for something else. He tore it up, looked in vain on his card for the "Kansas City steak," but could not find it. When his waiter arrived he duplicated the order of his neighbor, and was surprised that the waiter was not surprised.
"What do you know about Kansas City steaks?" Mr. Garland asked. The waiter replied they were the special steaks of that particular eating house.
"I found," said Mr. Garland, "that 'Kansas City steaks' were as well established as Maryland terrapin is in the East. And why shouldn't they be? I never got a better steak in England than the "Kansas City steak' I got in that London eating house. I told my man why I specially wanted a Kansas City steak, being from there, and that interested him. He told me the steaks actually came from Kansas City. It was like a trip home for dinner to get one of those steaks. Incidentally, the waiter proved so intelligent that I asked him why on earth he did not pull up his pegs and come over here where he could make dollars instead of shillings. He told me he had a wife and five children and could not get started. He would not leave the kiddies, and that was a good failing on his part."
Mr. Garland went to stay six weeks in England. He had two all-sunny days out of the six weeks.
"Rain and the German war scare are the principal features of touring in England this summer," said Mr. Garland. "They are no more afraid of Germany then they are of Iceland, but that is the way they scare the people into higher taxes. We got up a Japanese war scare here four years ago to get money to the Dreadnoughts we are now building. England is playing the same game now, very effectively.