MISSOURI HORSES TO ISLAND. ~ Will Be Used in Improving the Porto Rican Breed.

September 17, 1909

Will Be Used in Improving the
Porto Rican Breed.

Missouri horses are to be used in improving the native Porto Rican animals. A dozen or more will be secured here or from the big breeding farms in Missouri by D. W. May, special agent of the United States government in charge of the agricultural experiment station at Mayagues, Porto Rico, and are to be sent to New York and thence to the island.

The Missouri horse, according to Mr. May, has qualities possessed by no other horse in the world. These qualities take in part those of the famous steeds of Arabia, but in addition they have the stamina which the Arab lacks.

"The agricultural department has done a great deal of good in the Islands," said Mr. May last night at the Hotel Baltimore. "We have succeeded in producing a much sweeter grade of sugar cane, the tobacco is much better, and the planters will soon raise coffee which will be sold the the United States. At present all of the coffee is heavy and black, and finds no sale in this country.

"That the island has progressed agriculturally may be gleaned from a glance at the export figures. The value of exports in 1902 were $8,000,000. Since then they have gradually increased annually until last year the value of exports reached $32,000,000."