Wife Saw Husband Run to
His Death.
With his mind probably deranged by ill health and financial worries, Charles W. Marsh, formerly a labor leader in Kansas City, Kas., committed suicide by jumping in front of a freight train in that city yesterday morning about 10 o'clock. He died in a police ambulance on the way to Bethany hospital. Marsh was 54 years old and lived near Eighth street and Walker avenue in Kansas City, Kas. He was a painter and paperhanger by trade.
Mrs. Marsh witnessed her husband's suicide from their home, which is only a short distance from the tracks of the Kansas City-Northwestern railroad. He had been despondent for some time and had made threats. While his wife was attempting to dissuade him, he broke away from her and ran to the railroad tracks on which a freight train was approaching and threw himself in front of the engine. His body was almost completely cut in two by the wheels of the cars.
Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at Butler's undertaking rooms. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery. He is survived by a widow and a son, Dr. J. L. Marsh.