Walter Williams's Lecture on Jour-
nalism School Impressed the British.
E. F. Allen of the Netherlands apartment, Kansas City, who accompanied Walter Williams, dean of journalism at the University of Missouri, to Europe in August, returned yesterday. Campbell Wells, a banker of Platte City, Mo., also traveled in the party, which landed in Plymouth, England, August 31.
On that night English journalists listened to an address on "Journalism, or an Experiment in America," by Mr. Williams, who told the English people what the American university was doing toward educating and raising the standard of American journalists.
After the lecture several representatives of various districts promised the British Institute of Journalists that their districts would soon establish colleges of journalism, fashioned after the American school. Belonging to the institute are some 3,000 journalists, paper proprietors and litterateurs of England and the colonies.
An entire half day was spent in discussing Mr. Williams's paper. A banquet was given the journalists, at which Professor Williams offered the toast, "Mother of All Plymouths," which was responded to by the mayor of Plymouth.
"Professor Williams's coming was the feature of the meeting, and the congress highly appreciates his lecture, and something substantial may be expected of it," the president of the congress informed Mr. Allen.
When the three travelers landed at London they were presented with tickets to the Liberal League Club, to which they had already been elected. They received special invitations to attend parliament and listened to the discussion of the land bill, which was to equalize the taxation of land in Ireland and the colonies. After leaving London the three Americans went to Glasgow, the second largest city of Scotland. Fifty years ago Glasgow was a city of 30,000 inhabitants.