WON'T HELP AGGIE MYERS. ~ Pardon Attorney Will Refuse to Recommend Clemency.

September 5, 1909

Pardon Attorney Will Refuse to
Recommend Clemency.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO. September 4. -- Information reached the executive office today that an effort may shortly be made by persons residing in Kansas City to procure a pardon, or parole for Aggie Myers, who with Frank Hottman, murdered her husband, Clarence Myers, in Kansas City, May 10, 1904. Both the woman and Hottman were in the shadow of the gallows for many months before the governor commuted the death penalty in the case of the woman to life imprisonment. Later the sentence of Hottman also was commuted.

Pardon Attorney Frank Blake, when advised today that an effort was being made to secure clemency in some form for Mrs. Meyers, said that efforts in that direction would be so much wasted energy, so far as he was concerned.

"Under no circumstances will I recommend clemency for Mrs. Myers," said Mr. Blake. "I was in the office of the attorney general when here appeal to the supreme court was tried. The record in the case disclosed one of the most diabolical and brutal murders ever perpetrated in the state of Missouri. I believe that people who commit crimes of that character should be punished."

Mrs. Myers is a great letter writer, and it is because of her industry in that line that some Kansas City persons have interested themselves in her behalf, it is said. She was in poor health when received here but has entirely recovered, performing her regular task in one of the prison sewing rooms.