Kansas City Boy Went Around Globe
With U. S. Fleet.
Bronzed, athletic and clear-eyed Stanley Presbury, 21 years old, returned to Kansas City last evening after an absence of three years and three months in the United States navy, a fully developed man. He was met at the Union depot by his mother, Mrs. T. E. Presbury of the Hotel Moore. He will make his home in Kansas City.
Young Presbury was one of the lucky boys who enlisted from Kansas City several years ago to make the trip around the world. He was assigned to the Connecticut July 16, 1906, and was transferred to the Panther, in July, 1908, serving the balance of his time on that ship.
"I am glad to get back to old Kansas City. I was glad to leave it, and I had a trip such as few ever get," said young Presbury at the Hotel Moore last night, "but there was no place like home especially when it is Kansas City.
"There was only one country we all liked well and that was Australia. I guess it was because that country is populated with Anglo-Saxons like ourselves."