NOT TO BE A DIVORCE MECCA. ~ Judge Powell at Independence Transfers 52 Default Cases to Kansas City.

October 13, 1909

Judge Powell at Independence
Transfers 52 Default Cases
to Kansas City.

Judge Walter A. Powell of the circuit court is determined that Independence shall not become a divorce mecca for mismated Kansas Cityans.

Yesterday, by arrangement with the circuit judges here, he transferred fifty-two default cases back to Kansas City. Twenty-two cases in which papers were in the hands of officers for service, were retained in the Independence division. It is probable that Judge Powell will transfer more cases the later end of the week.

It has become the custom of disgruntled married persons in Kansas City who seek divorce to enter suit in Independence with the idea that they can avoid some of the publicity usual in such cases and also obtain decrees with dispatch. Judge Powell intends to put an end to the custom.