CIGARETTES IN 10,000 LOTS. ~ That Is the Way Louis Curtiss, Architect, Buys Them.

November 6, 1909

That Is the Way Louis Curtiss,
Architect, Buys Them.

Louis Curtiss, the architect, is not the champion cigarette smoker of Kansas City, but there is a well grounded belief that he is the champion individual buyer. Asked as to the source of his cigarette supply yesterday, the architect said that he had made his order by a New York manufacturer and made his purchases in lots of 10,000.

"The thousand cigarettes," said Curtiss, "will last me ten months. That would indicated that I smoke a thousand cigarettes a month, but I don't. I give about 25 per cent of them away. I figure that I smoke twenty-five cigarettes each day.

"Hurt me? Not at all. That is the secret of having them made to order. My cigarettes are manufactured of the mildest tobacco on the market and are free from dope. There is nothing in them but pure tobacco. Years ago I used to smoke a readymade brand and frequently suffered from sore throat. Then I turned to the tailor-made article. Cheaper, too. These are as fine a cigarette as a man ever smoked, and they cost, in 10,000 lots, only $18 a thousand. That sounds dirt cheap to me."