STILL THE RATS ARE THERE. ~ "Us Look Like Frumps?" Say Postal Girls, "Guess Not."

November 2, 1909

"Us Look Like Frumps?" Say Postal
Girls, "Guess Not."

"Come around tomorrow and see how many of us will wear our rats," said one of the pretty young women employes of the Postal Telegraph Company, as her eyes snapped and she nervously clutched at the stray hairs which insisted on finding their way down the sides of her face.

"Why, I just look horrible, and if A. B. R. or any other self constituted authority on the art of dressing a woman's hair imagines for a minute that h e is going to make me the laughing stock of all of the girls in the city, I am going to tell him right now that he is mistaken. He can fire me all right, but I guess I can get another job, because I know that my work has been and is satisfactory or I would have been fired long ago."

There is a rebellion in the hearts as well as the minds of the young women employes of the Postal Company. Several of the young women ignored the order that they were to l eave their rats at home and dressed their hair as usual. They were in trepidation for the greater part of the day that Mr. Richards of some one else would inquire as to what reason they could assign for failing to observe the order, but the inquiry did not come.

"Towards evening those of the girls who had dressed their hair without the usual "rats" and had been annoyed by the unusual headdress all day long, took courage. A council of war was held and although they would not declare that they would violate the order, the information was extended that "anyone with eyes could determine whether rats would be worn or not."