BOYS FROM FARM INELIGIBLE. ~ Tendency to "Flat" Feet Keeps Them Out of the Navy.

December 7, 1909

Tendency to "Flat" Feet Keeps
Them Out of the Navy.

"These snows and chilly winds are elements that make our business rushing at this time of the year," said Recruiting Officer Lieutenant C. S. Vanderbeck, "and the boys from the country who do not care to work out in the weather come here to join the navy, with the hopes that they will be sent to more pleasant climes, but most of them are disappointed because they are unable to meet the physical qualifications required by the government. The great majority have what is termed the 'flatfoot,' and are declared ineligible for the service of Uncle Sam."

Out of eleven applicants yesterday, only two were able to pass the physical examination on account of this affliction. It is caused in time of youth where a boy has bone barefoot most of the time, and the arch of the foot is broken down, due possibly because of the carrying of heavy loads.