"DON'TS" FOR YOUNG DENTISTS. ~ Dr. Campbell, at Banquet, Gives Advice to Students.

December 16, 1909

Dr. Campbell, at Banquet, Gives Ad-
vice to Students.

Dr. Dayton Dunbar Campbell of the faculty of the Kansas City Dental college was the guest of honor last night at a banquet at the Hotel Baltimore given by the members of the Delta Sigma Delta fraternity of the college, and as a fitting climax to the event Dr. Campbell gave a little talk on "Dental Don'ts."

Here are some of Dr. Campbell's "dont's" -- "Don't brag about your practice or the size of your fees. Don't gossip with your patients. Don't do any quack advertising. Don't encourage familiarity on the part of your women patients. Don't knock your brother practitioners. Don't talk shop at social gatherings. Don't be untidy."

The banquet was tendered by Dr. Campbell as a token of the esteem in which he is held by the fraternity members. Covers were laid for eighteen.