End Comes to Former Kansas City
Writer in Washington.
Miss Margaret Menet, formerly of Kansas City, died yesterday at the home of her mother in Washington, D. C. Miss Menet came to Kansas City from Lawrence, Kas., in 1900, to work for The Journal, where she remained until 1905. Miss Menet in that year went to the Washinton Post, remaining in the national capital until the time of her death. She was a pleasing writer, with a graceful literary style. During her connection with The Journal she made many friends to whom the news of her untimely death comes as a distinct shock.
The body will be sent to Lawrence, Kas., and will be buried in the family lot Sunday. Miss Menet's father, who died several years ago, wsa a pioneer resident of Lawrence, Kas. She is survived by a mother and one sister, Mrs. W. J. Frick, wife of Dr. Frick, 812 Benton boulvard, this city.