VANDERBILT COMING BACK. ~ The Millionaire Didn't Get a Chance to Note City's Growth.

December 18, 1909

The Millionaire Didn't Get a Chance
to Note City's Growth.

Cornelius Vanderbilt, whose friendship for George J. Gould, together with the latter's need for additional capital in the Missouri Pacific secured for him a place in the directorate of that road, was in Kansas City again for a few minutes yesterday morning, stopping for an inspection of the new Missouri Pacific freight house at Union avenue and Liberty street, while engines were being changed on the special train.

The new Missouri Pacific director, while not at all a talkative man, expressed disappointment at not being able to take a trip over the city and view the growth of it since his last visit here, about eight years ago.

"I am coming back to see your city in the spring," said Mr. Vanderbilt, "and I may invest in your new terminal bonds."