WHITE GIRL TO WED INDIAN. ~ Miss Albertson of Richmond, Mo., to Become Bride of Educated Creek.

December 30, 1909

Miss Albertson of Richmond, Mo.,
to Become Bride of Educated Creek.

A license was secured yesterday by John A. Phillips, a full-blooded Creek Indian of Okemaha, Ok., to marry Miss Lulu B. Albertson, a white woman living at Richmond, Mo. The groom is a well-to-do real estate dealer.

Phillips is an educated Indian. He is a graduate of McComb college of Muskogee. He is a widower of a few years. His first wife was a white woman. Mr. Phillips and Miss Albertson met last summer when the latter was visiting friends in Okemaha.

The bride will return to her home in Richmond, to join her husband later in Oklahoma.