Mrs. Everingham Cared for 9,120
People During the Year 1909.
About twenty-five persons a day have been cared for through the office of the matron at the Union depot, according to the report tabulated yesterday by Matron Ollie Everingham, and which will be submitted today to the depot officials. A total of 9,120 persons made use of this department last year. this was done with an expenditure by her of $110.80. Of this amount she personally donated $7.54. The total cost as given is exclusive of her salary. A fund box which she tacked up for donations last July received $11.10, and the balance was contributed by travelers. Her report shows a balance on hand of $1.13.
There were but two deaths in the depot during the last year. One was in April and the other in July. This despite the fact that a total of 1,046 sick persons received the personal care of the matron. But four women required the attention of the matron because of drunkenness. The matron's report does not show any runaway girls, while eight boys are given credit for having tried to run away by way of the Union depot. Fifteen young girls were sent to their homes, but there is no record of any boys being sent that way.
The matron's report classifying the people cared for through her department included:
Blind cared for, 76; babies left, 1; children cared for, 1,010; directed to address, 1,209; directed to hotels, 670; families cared for, 67; funeral parties, 9; insane cared for, 64; lost articles restored, 52; mutes cared for, 63; old ladies cared for, 1,096; old men cared for, 241; poor helped and fed, 191.