FINED FOR ASSAULT ON BOYS. ~ Milkman Brody Had Trouble With Two Sons of Judge Ross.

January 12, 1910

Milkman Brody Had Trouble With
Two Sons of Judge Ross.

On a charge of having assaulted the two small sons of Justice Michael D. Ross, Philip Brody, a milkman, was fined $15 in the municipal court yesterday morning.

Justice Ross lives at 626 Troost avenue and Brody lives in a house to the rear of the premises. The two Ross boys, it is alleged, threw stones at the Brody home and the milkman climbed over a fence and went into the Ross kitchen to chastise them. He was in the act of administering a spanking, it is claimed, when William Ross, the judge's eldest son, appeared on the scene, and after throwing Brody out, called a policeman.