JOHN F. LUMPKIN HONORED. ~ Governor Hadley Makes Him a Colonel On His Staff Which Now Numbers Thirty-Seven.

January 5, 1910

Governor Hadley Makes Him a Col-
onel On His Staff Which Now
Numbers Thirty-Seven.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO., Jan 4. -- Among the Christmas presents bestowed by Governor H. S. Hadley upon his friends is the appointment of John F. Lumpkin of Kansas City as a member of his personal staff, with the rank of colonel.

Mr. Lumpkin is one of the best known business men in Kansas City, and this new honor will be gratifying news to a very wide circle of friends. Mr. Lumpkin has been popularly called "Colonel" Lumpkin for years, and now his title is officially established. He has been on a visit to his family home at Baltimore, and the good news was conveyed to him by the governor by wire.

Colonel Lumpkin is the ninth member of the governor's personal staff living in Kansas City, which is Governor Hadley's home, and the thirty-seventh of the total number throughout the state. The governor also has on his staff ten naval commanders.