LIVED IN ABDUL'S HOUSEHOLD. ~ Kullujian Will Disclose Some Bloody Secrets of Yildiz Kiosk.

January 19, 1910

Kullujian Will Disclose Some Bloody
Secrets of Yildiz Kiosk.

Thomas H. Kullujian, the Armenian exile, who is said to be the greatest living authority on Oriental rugs, will lecture to 1,600 pupils of Central high school, in the school auditorium, at 10 o'clock Friday morning. The lecture is not open to the public.

Mr. Kullujian will tell something of the history of the Oriental rug, its beautiful romance, the somber tragedies recorded in the wonderful figures. He will tell of the slow and painful years, centuries, sometimes, that go into the weaving of a real Oriental rug.

Mr. Kullujian will lecture in Convention hall on the night of Tuesday, January 22, exposing the world-wide swindle practiced on dealers and the general public alike, by makers of fake Oriental rugs. In his Convention hall lecture he will also tell some of the terrible, bloody secrets of the Yildiz Kiosk, the palace of the sultan of Turkey.

Mr. Kullujian lived in the household of the Sultan Abdul Hamid many years, from childhood to youth, until a plot against his life made it necessary for him to escape from the country.