Girl's Damage Suit to Federal Court,
As Owner Is Non-Resident.
Complications in the damage suit brought by Ella May Cushman against the Hippodrome Amusement Company and C. W. Parker of Abilene, Kas., resulted yesterday in the transferring of the case from Judge Slover's division of the circuit court to the federal court. The girl asks damages in the sum of $10,000 for injuries received, it is alleged, when a lion at the Hippodrome, two years ago, reached through the bars of its cage and clawed the girl's head.
After the plaintiff had completed her evidence yesterday the Hippodrome company showed that the lion was owned by Parker, who has a herd of wild animals which he exhibited, and on the showing the liability of the company was removed. Parker then had the case transferred to the federal court on the ground that he is not a resident of Missouri.