Morris Says Kansas City Will Have
Independent Vaudeville.
"We are here." This was the positive declaration of William Morris, of William Morris, Inc., of New York city, last night, in speaking of the probability of his company establishing a vaudeville house in Kansas City.
"Walter Holt Seeley, our architect," continued Mr. Morris, "will be here from San Francisco in a week or ten days, and he will overlook such sites as are submitted to him and also examine all propositions for theatrical buildings which may be made in the near future.
"Our company has been reaching Westward and we are coming to Kansas City. We need Kansas City worse than it needs us. We need it to break a jump and we believe the people of Kansas City need us because we will give them a class of vaudeville such as no one else is able to furnish.
"We have been looking over the Kansas City field for some time and it is only because of other business that we have not established a house here. We are going to have a theater which will be convenient to every street car line in the city and then when we put on our bills I know that we will get the patronage that we deserve."