"DEAD TO WORLD" IN CAR. ~ Official Hears First Word Over 'Phone and Sends Coroner.

February 6, 1910

Official Hears First Word Over
'Phone and Sends Coroner.

When Arthur Haskell, motorman on the Wyandotte line in Kansas City, Kas., arrived at Riverview station shortly after midnight this morning he ran his car in on the spur and headed for the nearest telephone office. Calling up the car barn of the Elevated line he notified the man in charge that his conductor was "dead to the world," and requested information as to what to do. The man at the car barn acted immediately.

In a few moments Coroner J. A. Davis was informed that a street car conductor was lying dead in his car at Riverview station. The coroner made a record run to the scene and arrived about the time Daniels & Comfort's dead wagon came rattling up. They found the conductor in the car. He was unable to continue his run, but did not need the coroner nor wagon. He was take to the L barn.