Two Democrats Vote With Repub-
licans and Kill It.
Two Democratic aldermen, W. C. Culbertson and Isaac Taylor, voted with the Republicans in the upper house of the council last night and defeated an ordinance providing for separate street car seats for negroes.
Mr. Culbertson's reasons for voting against the ordinance were that he feared it to be a trouble maker, and that it was not sufficiently explicit as to how the negroes were to be separated from the whites when the cars and platforms were crowded. Mr. Taylor gave a like reason.
Here is the vote:
For the ordinance -- Steele, Wirthman, Titsworth, O'Malley, Logan, Gregory; total, 6, all Democrats.
Against the ordinance -- Edwards, Havens, Tillhof, Bunker, Republicans; Taylor, Culbertson, Democrats; total, 6.
Absent -- Cronin, Democrat; Thompson, Republican.
Eight votes were necessary to carry the ordinance.
Before the session opened Alderman James Pendergast came over from the lower house and loudly proclaimed opposition to the ordinance. He said that it could not be enforced, that it would be declared unconstitutional and under his breath he told Democrats it would be a bad move politically.