NEW VAUDEVILLE HOME. ~ Hippodrome Will Have Theater Large Enough for Traveling Shows.

February 4, 1910

Hippodrome Will Have Theater Large
Enough for Traveling Shows.

Extensive improvements will be made at the Hippodrome, beginning next Monday, and to be completed in ten days. The picture theater in the southwest corner of the building and the Vienna garden immediately south will be thrown into one theater, with a stage as large as any in the city, with possibly one or two exceptions. The theater will seat 1,200 people and will be the permanent home of traveling attractions, such as big vaudeville shows, Yiddish companies and theatrical attractions of all kinds. The marked success of the recent Yiddish productions was a demand for a regular theater in that part of the city, as Twelfth and Charlotte is in the center of a populous neighborhood and is ten blocks from the downtown theater district.

The Hippodrome theater will be ready within ten days.