RARE MINERALS A GIFT TO MUSEUM. ~ Famous Bruner Collection to Be Exhibited in Public Library.

February 5, 1910

Famous Bruner Collection to
Be Exhibited in Pub-
lic Library.

The Kansas City board of education has come into possession of the Bruner collection of minerals, said to be worth about $35,000. The collection, sacrificed by W. A. Rule for $5,000, is the gift of Colonel Daniel B. Dyer of Atlanta, Ga., through his attorney, Colonel L. H. Waters of Kansas City.

The collection, to be placed in the museum in the public library, was on exhibition in Kansas City for many years. It was a valuable asset, and when its owner, R. E. Bruner, needed money it is said he readily secured nearly $20,000 for it. The collection finally became the property of W. A. Rule and was placed on the market at the low price of $5,000 by him, with the condition attached that the purchaser who took advantage of his liberality and money sacrifice should present the exhibit to the board of education. This Colonel Dyer has done, and the board of education formally accepted the gift.


Colonel Dyer of Georgia has been identified with the museum at the public library since its inception. In 1904, as a nucleus for a museum, he gave Kansas City a rare collection of Indian, Mexican and Oriental curios, second, doubtless, to none in the world. The sole consideration imposed by Colonel Dyer was that the museum he was founding should bear his name. Since then he has made valuable additions to the museum. About a month ago his attention was called to the collection of minerals and geological specimens in the possession of Mr. Rule. Colonel Dyer at once commissioned his attorney, Colonel Waters, to negotiate for the collection.

The collection was formally presented to the board of education Thursday evening. Mineralogists of national reputation, who have seen the Bruner collection, say the specimens are like rare postage stamps, in that they exist only in collections which are not for sale.