February 11, 1910

Half of Insurance, to Be Paid for
Extraordinary Death, Overlooked.

Daniel F. Cobb, who died August 20, 1907, when he was thrown from an elevator in the Fidelity Trust building at Ninth and Walnut streets, had one of those accident insurance policies which pays double the face value of the insurance if the insured is killed in a crowd, in a train, in an elevator, a church, or under other unusual circumstances. The beneficiary was Ada M. Davis.

Yesterday in the federal court Ada M. Davis sued the Aetna Life Insurance company of Hartford, Conn., for $5,000, with interest, damages and attorney's fees. Mr. Cobb had taken out the policy May 12, 1907. The beneficiary avers in her petition that not realize the importance of a clause in the in the insurance contract guaranteeing double payment on account of the instantaneous death, applied for the face of the policy and was paid. When, in December of that year, she discovered that sh should have had $10,000, she applied for an additional $5,000, which was denied. The amount she now asks in the United States court is $7,000.