Independence's Chief Executive Takes Office Third Time.
For the third consecutive time Mayor Ott of Independence was formally installed in office at a meeting of the council last night. He delivered a short speech, in which he pledged himself to work for the best interests of the people of Independence. He announced the following appointments, which were confirmed:
City clerk -- James Craig.
City counselor -- John Phice.
City engineer -- Harry Pendleton.
Street commissioner -- L. R. Hawkenberry
City physician -- Dr. S. L. Cook
Building inspector -- C. S. Blankenship.
Janitory -- J. A. Barlow.
Impounder -- George W. Cooley.
Patrolmen -- Floyd Lattimer, Robert Tonahill, M. J. Curry, A. E. Roby, Charles Ripchie, James Akers, George Barton.
The ordinance governing patrolmen provides for a residence of two years. Barton could not qualify and the ordinance was repealed to admit his appointment. james A. Kemper was an applicant for city counselor, and was supported by a liberally signed petition. He is attorney for the Jackson County Law and Order League.