J. C. Garvin of Covington, Ind., Traces Wife and Man Here.
"My name is J. C. Garvin. I came from Covington, Ind.," the man explained when all four were in the presence of Captain Frank Anderson. "This woman," he went on, pointing to a hansdomely gowned young person, "is my wife. This man," and his accusing finger swept down upon a dapper man of about 45 years," has a wife and two children in Covington. He deserted them to elope with my wife. This old gentleman here is W. H. Reading of Biggs, Ok. -- my wife's father."
Then he told his story.
According to Garvin he operated a restauarant in Covington and until the elopement last Thursday his wife, 26 years old, acted as cashier. The man in the case, W. H. Thompson, a wealthy grocer, was his best customer.
Nearly every day Thompson ate his lunch at the restaurant. Frequently as he turned in his check to the cashier he stopped for a chat. The husband, it appears, suspected nothing in the way of a love affair between the two. Then th ey disappeared.
As soon as he could find some one to look after his business Garvin followed. He traced the couple to St. Louis and finally to Kansas City and to a West Side rooming house, he declared. When he had satisfied himself that the elopers intended to stay here several days he telegraphed Reading in Oklahoma. The father arrived in Kansas City last night and he and Garvin interdcepted the couple as they emerged from a moving picture theater near Tenth and Main streets. Brandishing his revolver he forced them to march ahead of him to the station.
"I left my wife and two children because I loved this woman," Thompson said in giving hisversion of the affair. "She loves me the same way and I am sure she will never go back to her husband. The woman smiled an enigmatic smile, but said nothing.
"My daughter has got to go home with me," Mr. Reading declared. "She is just a poor, misguided girl. You'l come, wont you, Jennie?"
Mrs. Garvin at first declined to answer. Then she began to weep and went to her father. Captain Anderson called in the husband and Thompson. He gave the two some straight-from-the-shoulder advice.
"All right," finally acceded the husband of Jennie, "I'll go back to my restaurant. My wife can go to Oklahoma with her father. Maybe I can forgive her in time."
Thompson began to show signs of weakening.
"I guess I have done wrong, captain," he admitted. "You can count on me doing the right thing when it is put to me plainly. If my wife will take me back, I'll go home, too."
So they all went their separate ways just one hour after Garvin had usheered the party into police headquarters. There will be no prosecution.