April 22, 1916

Contents of 204 Bottles in Wagon of Rosedale Dairyman Destroyed.

A Rosedale dairyman, who frequently had been warned that he was selling misbranded milk in Kansas City, and had been ordered to come up to requirements or cease delivery, got his lesson at Thirteenth and McGee streets yesterday morning, where he was making delivery to a grocery store. Inspectors from the food and dairy department, acting on orders of W. H. Phipps, chief inspector, seized 204 bottles of milk and cream, and destroyed the contents by adding vinegar to each bottle.

The milk was dirty, Mr. Phipps was told by those who made the inspection, the bottles contained a sediment and they had not been properly cleaned. The amount destroyed consisted of 108 quarts and 84 pints of milk, and 62 bottles of cream. Dirty, dangerous and insanitary as it was the dairyman had "Grade A Raw Milk" on the caps of the milk bottles and "Grade A Raw Cream" on the cream bottles.

To Conduct Vigorous Campaign.

"This plan will be pursued vigorously from now on," said Mr. Phipps later. "The dairymen selling milk in Kansas City must comply with the ordinance or stop selling milk here. The man whose product was destroyed today has been in trouble with the hospital and health board previous to this. Two years ago, when he admitted watering his milk, his permit was revoked, but later, on a promise of good behavior, it was returned to him."

Mr. Phipps yesterday sent out to all producers and distributors of milk who sell their product in Kansas City, a circular letter on the production of pure milk and advising them to get busy with the spring clean-up. The letter told them how to clean up and said plainly what will be expected of them. It draws attention to the fact that milk, of all food products, is the most easily contaminated and, therefore, the greatest care should be exercised in its production. It also discusses the problem of flies, mosquitoes and other insects which contaminate milk and tells how to rid the pace of them.

Dairy Plants to Be Scored.

The dairymen are told that an inspector will call on them soon and their plants scored for the summer months on conditions as they are found. This score will be used as a basis for grading the milk which will be permitted sold here this summer.