C. M. Smith Remanded to Jail on Charge of Murder at Mount Washington.
C. M. Smith, who shot and killed W. F. George of Mount Washington on April 15, was charged with murder in the first degree, after the preliminary hearing given by Justice Clinton at Independence yesterday.
The defendant decided not to put any of his witnesses on the stand, and the defendant was remanded to jail without bond. It was also arranged to take the case before Judge Latshaw of the criminal court that the case may be given an early hearing. Few witnesses were heard yesterday. Dr. H. E. Brown of Englewood said the bullet entered the right hip, ranged around through the spinal column, and emerged at the left hip. The weapon used, he said, was an army Springfield rifle. J. W. Davis, an eyewitness, says he told Smith, "You did a dirty trick by shooting that man." He claimed George made no attempt to go after Smith, and there was considerable distance between the man when the shooting occurred.
The defendant's wife and children were also present, also Mrs. George, wife of the victim, and their children. Many from Mount Washington were present to testify. Mrs. Rose Fox testified that she heard the loud words in the rear of her home, but was not allowed to testify as to the argument before the shooting. George was in the feed lot at the time, and had a bucket in his hand, as if going to feed his horses, she said. The trouble between the two men, she said, was over in five minutes.
Fred George, a son of the slain man, swore to a complaint a few days ago, charging that a Mount Washington wine dealer had sold his father three drinks of wine before the trouble came up. The son expressed a desire yesterday that the matter should not be pushed. Notwithstanding this, a meeting was held last night at Mount Washington in Moss hall, to look into the matter. It is proposed by the Law and Order League to clean up that section.