April 24, 1916

Crowd in City's Playground Estimated at Not Less Than 25,000.

Perhaps the largest Easter Sunday crowd in the history of Swope park went and came by street car and motor yesterday and all practically without accident or mishap of any sort. The crowd numbered during the day not less than 25,000 people. The Kansas City Railways Company estimates that its cars hauled 20,000 people to and from the park. In addition to this crowd there was a constant stream of motor cars plying between the city and the park all day long. Some of the motorists spent the day there and many remained only a short time.

It was not a record crowd for the park but it was an unusually large crowd for an Easter day that had as much chill in the air as yesterday.

A large amount of "glad raiment" found its way to the city's playground.

Most of the animals at the zoo appeared in their spring garb, although a few of the more sluggish fowl and beasts have not yet moulted nor shed, according to the manner in which each should don its spring show clothes.

The ponies, upon which the youngsters have counted so much for frolic, were on exhibition but they were not ridden. The saddles that were recently ordered have not yet been finished. Workmen are hurrying them and they will be ready in a few days.

The two golf courses were visited by a fairly good sized crowd of golfers, although Easter services took many of the customary golf fans to church when some of them have heretofore spent an hour on the links. Fishing attracted a large number of men and boys.

No accidents were reported at the park or on the traffic ways leading there.