"As It May Be" Is Feature of the Weekend Bill at Globe.
The new weekend bill at the Globe features Miss Leila Davis, a heavy-weight comedienne, in a clever travesty on the suffragette movement, "As It May Be." The plot depicts the trials of a poor but honest woman carpenter in love with teh son of the delicatessen dispenser, who is in the toils of a bad and designing city lady. The trials the hero has to over come are many and beset with dangers. To tell this love story Miss Davis has surrounded herself with those clever funmakers, Miss Lucille Berdell as the bad city lady, and Henry J. Mosley as the male heroine.
The well-known Harry Van Fossen, formerly of minstrel fame, has returned with many new laughs. The Longworths are a pair of well mannered and pleasing vocalists in an offering of high class. Frances and De Mar are pleasing harmony singers. A novelty new to vaudeville is presented by Crane, Mason and School, who perform daring acrobatics on roller skates. Juggling De Lisle is a finished manipulator of various articles. "Out of the Quagmire," a three-reel feature, and the news events are shown in the films.