The anarchy of passion and disorder, of Democratic factional outlawry which manifested itself in many of the city's wards yesterday automatically forfeits every claim the local Democracy ever had to fairness and the respect of honest citizens. Shannonism and Pendergastism stand revealed in all their inherent bestiality. While Kansas City awakens today to a new emancipation, the sensation of gratification is almost overshadowed by the disgraceful events of the election. But when a calmer mood prevails Kansas City will realize that Shannonism died its expected death. It was the logical and perhaps the inevitable end to a form of municipal politics that must and shall be rooted out of the life of American cities.
Out of the day's disorder there rises the one great and inspiring consolation of Republican victory. Kansas City is redeemed through its sufferings and Shannonism will never again rule in this community. The Shannon machine, the Pendergast machine, the Bulger machine -- all have been swept into the discard. It was a fitting end to Democratic misrule and corruption and out of the travail of that day there came a glorious birth of righteousness through the triumph of good citizenship.