Miss Dora A. Ford is Killed at School for Deaconesses.
While seated on the window ledge yesterday morning, cleaning the window of her room on the third floor of the Kansas City National Training School for Deaconesses and Missionaries, Miss Dora Alice Ford, a 26-year-old student, fell backward to the concrete pavement below and was instantly killed.
Miss Ford, who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ford of Little Rock, Ark., has been a student at the training school since last September. She was to have been graduated with a class of fourteen tomorrow. Her fall was witnessed by a fellow student, Miss Clara Rust, and Miss Edna Hayes, a guest at at the school. They were returning to the school after an early morning walk. Miss Rust glanced up toward the row of third story windows and saw Miss Ford pitch to the ground.
Mr. Ford will arrive here this morning from Little Rock, Ark., and will accompany the body to Detroit, Mich., where burial will take place. A telegram to that effect was received by Miss Anna Neiderheiser, superintendent of the training school. Miss Ford's room was in the west wing of the building, which is at Fifteenth street and Hardesty avenue.