His Wife Remains in Jail on Charges in Baby Keller Case.
Benjamin Larkin, husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Larkin, who had been held in the county jail since January awaiting the outcome of the illness of little Helen Keller, who was almost dead from bruises when taken to the Mercy hospital last winter, was released yesterday on $1,000 bond.
The release was on agreement between Judge Ralph S. Latshaw and Prosecutor Floyd E. Jacobs and followed the statement of a number of neighbors as to the good habits and reputation of Larkin. Mrs. Larkin has maintained that her youthful husband never struck the child.
When the case came up again yesterday for trial Mrs. Larkin announced that she had no attorney, her advisers having withdrawn. Judge Latshaw appointed Francis O'Sullivan and George F. Birmingham as Mrs. Larkin's attorneys. Mr. Birmingham at once held a conference with Mrs. Larkin and then talked with many of her neighbors. As a result, he said he was willing to sign the bond for $1,000 for Larkin's release. Mr. Birmingham said Mrs. Larkin will be ready for trial when the case is called.
Attendants at the Mercy hospital say little Helen Keller will recover. The state charges the child's condition was due to beatings she received at the hands of Mrs. Larkin.