Missouri Officials Arrest Holdup Suspect at State Line.
An offer of freedom on his own recognizance was refused by John Lazia in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday, where he was being held on a charge of safe-blowing. Lazia said he found the jail quite comfortable, the meals noursihing and the company pleasant. Please go away and let him alone!
Whereupon Prosecutor Meek became indignant, informed Lazia he could stay in jail no longer, and ordered him deported from Kansas City, Kas. The charge of safe-blowing was dismissed int he Wyandotte county district court and Lazia, protesting vehemently, was loaded into an automobile.
The car, in charge of police officials, started to the Missouri side of the line over the Intercity viaduct. As it neared the last toll station two men stepped into the middle of the roadway, holding up their hands.
"Have you got Lazia? Let us have him," they said to the motor car's driver. The protesting passenger was then given into the custody of T. J. Curtain, assistant prosecutor of Jackson county, and a deputy marshal. Immediately he was hauled before Judge Latshaw in the criminal court, where, with Tom Bosco, he is chargeed with holding up the saloon of Herman Allman, 2513 East Fifteenth street.
"But you can't hold me," sputtered Lazia. "I'm out on $5,000 bond on this charge."
"The bond was forfeited when you failed to appear to day at the time set for trial," he was informed.
"I couldn't come because I was in jail in Kansas City, Kas.," explained Lazia. He was committed to jail in default of bond. It is believed that likely Judge Latshaw will later set aside the forfeiture.
Lazia is said by the police to be a member of the gang of "Black Mike." He was arrested as a safe-blower in Kansas City, Kas., on finger print evidence, being the third man in the United States to be arrested on such a clew with no corroborating testimony.