May 21, 1916 ~ SUNDAY BATS .500 AND STEALS BASE.

May 21, 1916

Billy Also Umpires Part of Time in Rotary Clubs' Game for Charity.

Beaten by Billy Sunday. That was the only consolation the baseball team representing the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Kas., took home with them after the game yesterday afternoon at Association park with the Rotarians of Kansas City, Mo., and it was considerable consolation after all. As to the regular team of the Rotarians on this side of the Kaw the Kansas men expressed their sentiments thus: "They never saw the day they could beat us."

But to get back to the most interesting part of the game. It was in the last half of the sixth inning with the score of 9 to 7 in favor of the men from across the Kaw, a safe enough margin, they reasoned. Craddock of the Kansas City, Kas., team had just been given his base on balls, and there were two men "down," as the sporting reporter would say.

Then the big event happened. Three thousand people cheered when Billy Sunday came to the plate, bat in hand, and took his position on the "port" side. He fouled the first ball pitched, a good one. The next one he caught squarely, a stinging hit to right field that landed him on second. On the throw to catch Sunday Craddock scored. Just as Craddock crossed the late, Sunday stole third, with the crowd still cheering. Riddle was walked. Then Pierce hit past second base and Sunday came in with a run. The fireworks did not end until seven runs had been scored and the hopes of the visitors were completely ruined.